Habersham Central High School senior Lindsey Brown is now at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta recovering from injuries she sustained in a car wreck on Oct. 20. Brown was moved to Shepherd from Northeast Georgia Medical Center yesterday. Her family tells Now Habersham that the trip to Atlanta “went well.”
Brown’s mother, Alice Roland Brewer, says Lindsey is “worn out” from therapy. Brown is receiving a variety of therapeutic treatments at the Shepherd Center including speech, occupational and physical therapy. Brewer says her daughter already has shown signs of improvement since arriving at the Shepherd Center on Wednesday. “She is so brave and such a fighter.” Brewer says, adding that doctors have told them Lindsey could be released to come home as early as Nov. 19.
Brewer, a teacher at Habersham Central High School, says her family remains deeply touched and grateful for the outpouring of community support and prayers they’ve received since Lindsey’s accident.
The 18-year old Brown was critically injured when her pick-up truck crashed on Hwy. 365 near Belton Bridge Road in Lula last week.