Clarkesville planning and city officials may soon get their wish in the near future. Ingles corporation has agreed to tear down the old Ingles grocery store in the shopping center off of West Louise Street.
Clarkesville Zoning Administrator Caleb Gaines has heard back from Ingles after sending them a letter earlier this month. That letter informed Ingles of the city council’s action to move forward with condemnation proceedings.
SEE RELATED: Clarkesville City Council votes to condemn old Ingles building
Gaines sent a letter to Ingles last November outlining 18 building code violations that needed to be addressed immediately. He received no response from the corporation.
The lack of response from Ingles precipitated Gaines going before the city council earlier this month, requesting the council to move forward with condemnation proceedings against the property.
SEE RELATED: Clarkesville may condemn old Ingles store
According to an email update from Gaines, he states, “They are going to demo the grocery store and they have decided to fix up the storefronts/roof on the Wolf Creek side.”
The storefronts Gaines was referencing is where the old Rite-Aid pharmacy was located years ago.
However, Ingles did not say when the demolition of the old grocery store building would take place. Gaines stated, “I’m waiting on a project timeline from them.”
Once the demolition is completed and the building is gone, Ingles will continue to own the property. Future development on that parcel will depend on whether Ingles is willing to sell or lease the property to a future business.