As I sit here early on July 4, 2017, a bookcase near me contains books on the beginnings of our unique nation. Believe me, the more I read the history of the United States the more I am convinced God was involved from the beginning.
Even in spite of our tragic failures, He kept involved in the history of a nation unlike any in the world. Even today, in the falling away of many in unbelief and disregard of the great principles of life embodied within the Constitution and laws, God is pleading and nudging us to stay on course.
During a time of falling away and even confusion of who we are as Americans, God raises up unusual people, such as Donald Trump. Some love him and some hate him. But he is president! I recall my Dad, Neal Justus, years ago said he always voted the party line but now felt for the first time he could not vote for the candidate of his party. He came to the conclusion the nation was more important than the party or any individual.
I have books like” Thomas Jefferson, An Intimate History,’ by Fawn M. Brodie; “George Washington, Soldier and Man,” by North Callahan, and “Patriots,” by A.J. Langguth; and “John Adams,” Vol. 1 and 2, by Page Smith; plus, many more. All my life I have been fascinated by early American history and how our nation developed. Much was messy, unfortunate, and sad with what occurred with the Indians and of course the Civil War. It isn’t excusing the bad things to say that the history of humans from the beginning includes both good and evil.
Today, as always, a bitter struggle is going on between the political parties and even within opposing forces within the parties. One can hope that once elections are over citizens will settle down and realize the world goes on. Many did not like the last president but here we are on Independence Day still the United States of America! If any repairing is required let us cooperate and help get it done. If adjustments are needed, we have the glorious Constitution and laws to guide us.
Now we pause this Independence Day to celebrate our freedom and blessings. The United States is still endowed with great resources, and is a varied and beautiful country stretching coast to coast, with talented people who can resolve problems and meet the changes and demands of life today. If we remain strong, united and vigilant we can cope with the problems and dangers of the world.
Let us pray, strive and forge ahead for we are citizens of a great republic, the United States of America.
Editor’s Note: Bob Justus is a retired Air Force veteran, political observer and columnist. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own.