Impacts of worldwide IT glitch still being felt by some locally

Cornelia City Hall (

The Global Technology Outage continues to impact some offices locally while others are back to normal operations.

Habersham County Tax Commissioner June Black-Warren said, “Friday we were down all day and couldn’t do anything on the motor vehicle side of operations but today we are up and running.”

John Dill of the city of Baldwin talked about the difficulties experienced on Friday with the outage. The Police Department had to close as well as City Hall. Today things are up and running but are a little slow. “We can assist residents with their needs, it just takes a bit more time to do things.”

The Cornelia Police Department and City Hall did not experience any issues according to a spokesperson at the Police Department. Today everything is business as usual.

Olivia Justus, PIO for Banks County Sheriff’s Office said, “We had no issues and continue to see no impact of the Global Technology Outage.”

The Airlines have not been as fortunate in recovering from the issues. Over the past four days, tens of thousands of passengers continue to be stranded because of a worldwide technology outage. As of this morning, an airport spokesperson indicated that 245 flights had been canceled and 30 were delayed with Delta being the airline hardest hit.


Global computer glitch disrupts banking, airlines, and businesses

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