Piedmont Student Evan Meade was one of 130 students to present at the Piedmont College research day April 17. (John Roberts/Piedmont College)
More than 130 Piedmont students presented posters and gave academic presentations as part of the inaugural Piedmont Research Innovation Discovery Exhibition (P.R.I.D.E) at Piedmont College April 17.
Afternoon classes were moved to the Swanson Center for the Performing Arts, which hosted the showcase, for the afternoon so that students, faculty, and staff could support the event.
Most students presented short talks or posters about a research project while others reflected about an academic trip abroad, an internship or performed musical and theatre works that inspired them.
In all, approximately 400 attended. The group included parents and some members of the community. A similar event on Piedmont’s Athens campus April 11 included 30 student participants and approximately 100 spectators.
“This day was an example of what makes Piedmont unique: mentorship, personal relationships, and academic rigor,” said Daniel Silber, Vice President for Academic Affairs. “It was a wonderful example of reciprocal learning—students teaching and learning from their fellow students—and of the high quality academic work that a Piedmont College education has empowered so many of our students to achieve.”
A group of approximately 20 faculty and staff began to plan P.R.I.D.E. about a year ago as a way to celebrate and highlight the college’s commitment to active forms for learning.