2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;”
I often hear people speak of the inconsistencies of the Bible. Most of these people are only reading portions of it or a few verses and claiming a fallacy. The beautiful part of the writers of scripture is God allowed them to express His teachings in various ways. The Bible, when read in its entirety, has no inconsistencies. Every part fits together, chapter after chapter; verse after verse; word after word. Some stories are told in duplicate but by different writers. We find this in the New Testament. While Matthew and John may have been at the same events with Jesus, they tell the stories of Him in different ways. But isn’t that human nature? Does anyone tell a story the exact same way?
It really doesn’t matter who wrote the words to paper; because, the Bible is the documented Word of God. His Spirit did the talking and He used different men to write it down. We can trust in every word of the Bible for it is God’s words to us. The Bible is the greatest instructional writing for our lives ever written. The Word is alive and can be used by us to navigate how we are supposed to live. Make the Bible an important part of your every day.