His Words of Assurance

Time spent with Elizabeth strengthened Mary. In Luke 1:46-56 we learn that Mary stayed with her relative Elizabeth for three months before returning to her home to face Joseph, her family, and her community pregnant. In “her song,’ as the writer Luke presents it, Mary declares to her Lord, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant…”

Have you ever been in a humble state as Mary? Totally dependent on the Lord for every step? Unaware of what the future holds, but knowing full reliance is on Him?

What happens as Mary visits with Elizabeth?  She is fed spiritually and rejuvenated for what is to come. God knows how to give us the strength we need to overcome, but we have to put our faith in Him.

There is a movie from 1978 about a skater who leaves her home town and the people she knows to train for the Olympics. She becomes so lost in “the big time” that she changes who she is, suffers a horrific accident, and finds herself blind from a head injury. Back at home, brutally discouraged and defeated, she lays in the bed day-after-day longing for the past. An old friend and former hockey player teaches her to skate again. The final scene of the movie is a triumphant, perfect skate at the Nationals Competition. What moves me about the movie is when she is skating no one knows she is blind until the end when she falls on the flowers that are thrown at her feet.

Sometimes situations leave us frightened and seemingly alone. Yet, God calls us to be over-comers. He wants us to build our strength in Him and in the people who truly love us.  He wants us to rebuild and come back fighting for Him. Mary could  have stayed with Elizabeth until the baby was born. She probably could have stayed with Elizabeth and raised the child hidden from controversy and anguish. But God equipped her to fulfill the life of Jesus His way.

Gather your strength in the Word of our Lord and in people you can trust. Believe in His ability to move you forward with His plan. Remove the doubt, fear, and anxiety by speaking His Words of assurance. Overcome that which holds you back.