HGES 4th grade class wins national reading competition

Pictured from front left: Cooper Cantrell, Gabe Allen, Kasidee Stewart, Jada Pass and Jasmine Thongkhamlot. Middle row: Sergio Moreno, Mateo Vonier, Macy Huff, Jamie Anderson and TJ Rolsen. Back row: Savannah Lukers, Lily Myers, Ali Manninen and Bailey Lomax. (Jessica Herrin/HGES)

Students in Jan Fordyce’s class at Hazel Grove Elementary School in Mt. Airy read over 1,100 hours in just four weeks.

 Pictured from front left: Cooper Cantrell, Gabe Allen, Kasidee Stewart, Jada Pass, and Jasmine Thongkhamlot. Middle row: Sergio Moreno, Mateo Vonier, Macy Huff, Jamie Anderson, and TJ Rolsen. Back row: Savannah Lukers, Lily Myers, Ali Manninen, and Bailey Lomax.

Some 4th grade students from Hazel Grove Elementary School have something in common with the Super Bowl-winning Kansas City Chiefs:  They, too, were named national champs on Super Bowl Sunday.

Jan Fordyce’s students won the 3-5 elementary division of the national 2020 READBowl competition, according to HGES Media Specialist Jessica Herrin. The students read a total of 68,600 minutes during the four-week-long contest. That’s 1,143 hours!

Throughout the month of January, kindergarten through fifth-grade students at Hazel Grove participated in the READBowl, which is sponsored by the Malcolm Mitchell Foundation. The nationwide reading competition is open to Pre-K through 8th grade classrooms. It’s designed to inspire students to read and provide teachers with a platform to motivate them, according to the foundation’s website.

The winning students will receive books and certificates as awards for their achievements.