Can you spell H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S? How about M-U-S-I-C-A-L? Can you use them in a sentence? You can if you are talking about “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.”
The Tony Award-winning musical opens Feb. 23 at Habersham Community Theater in Clarkesville, and who would expect a play about a spelling bee to be so F-U-N-N-Y.
Written by William Finn, “Spelling Bee” is not so much about spelling as it is about the lives, hopes, and dreams of all of the characters. This PG-13 rated production is scheduled for 7:30 p.m, Feb. 23–5 and March 2–4. Sunday matinees will run at 2 p.m., Feb. 26 and March 5.
Tickets can be ordered at or by calling the box office at 706-839-1315.
The cast includes HCT regulars and newcomers, including LeAnne Challenger, Emma Singer, Chris Parker, Hannah Holliday, Zack Smagur, and Ryan Long, as the spelling contestants, with Grant Williams, Amber Miller, and Steven Ward as the teachers nominally in charge. Directors are Alison Singer and Stella Price; choreographer Carrie Elrod; and musical direction by Bob Smith.