The Habersham Community Theater will present Fiddler on the Roof in April.
The musical tells the tale of love, family, devotion, defiance, and changing traditions through some of the most beloved show tunes of all time.
A perennial hit since 1964, the story centers around the character Tevye, played by a HCT’s Chris Parker. Tevye is a humble milkman from the Russian village Anatevka, who along with his wife Golde (played by Donna B. James), try to make a living and find husbands for their daughters. The daughters have their own ideas on who they should marry causing tension between true love and family traditions.
Adding to the drama is the constant opposition and even hostility from the Russian czar police, culminating with an order that will dramatically change their lives.
The title of the show alludes to the precarious position of Jews in Czarist Russia, which Tevye compares to that of a fiddler perched on a roof.
HCT’s production of the Jerome Robbins’ original Fiddler on the Roof is directed by John Preece with musical direction by Bob Smith.
Evening show times are April 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 20, and 21 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday matinees are April 8, 15 and 22 at 2 p.m.
Tickets on sale now by calling the box office at 706-839-1315 or online by visiting habershamtheater.org.