HCHS student named semi-finalist for Governor’s Honors Program


Habersham Central High School junior Ege (AJ) Keskin has been named as a Semi-Finalist in the area of Mathematics for the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program. He will go on to compete in the rigorous interview process scheduled for February 29, 2020, at Berry College.

Ege would like to attend an Ivy League college. His dream school would be MIT where he would like to major in Mathematics or another math-related technological field. He also has interests in science, business, and foreign languages.

Ege was born in Turkey and moved to America with his family when he was very young. He says he is proud of his Turkish heritage and states that Turkish food is amazing.

If Ege is named as a GHP Finalist, he will represent Habersham County Schools this summer at the GHP Institute which is held for 5 weeks at Berry College.

“HCHS is very proud of Ege and we wish him the very best in this next level of competition,” says the school system’s Gifted Program and College Planning Coordinator Martha Cantrell.