The HCHS Drama Booster Club is hosting a golf tournament this Friday to raise money for the Habersham Central High School Drama Department. There’s still time to register! Pre-registration deadline is Thursday, August 20th. You may also register on the day of the event.
Last year’s inaugural golf benefit raised $7,000 for the Stage Raiders. The booster club hopes to more than double that amount. “Our class size has doubled this year,” says Drama Booster Club Fundraising Chair Courtney Scofield, “so our goal is to raise enough money to not only have the kids participate in the same scholarship opportunities from the Theater Conferences, but to also improve our sound system in the theater…and purchase body mics before our spring musical of The Addams Family.”
This year’s golf tournament is scheduled for Friday, August 20th at the Chimney Oaks Golf Club in Homer. Tee off time is 9 a.m. Cost is $100 for individuals/$400 for teams. Price includes breakfast and lunch, a Stage Raider logo hat and a chance to win prizes.
Click here for details and registration form.
For more information call 770-366-8286.