Hazel Grove and Fairview elementary schools gearing up for archery season

Salayna McClanahan takes aim during the national archery tournament held in Louisville, Kentucky, this past May. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

Hazel Grove and Fairview Elementary schools are preparing for another successful year with their archery teams this fall. Both schools qualified and competed in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) Eastern Nationals Archery Tournament this past spring in Louisville, Kentucky.

Both schools did well in the national tournament. Hazel Grove had a team score of 2,728 out of 3,000 and Fairview had a team score of 2,584 out of 3,000.

Beyond the tournament, the students got a chance to visit Churchill Downs.

Hazel Grove Elementary School 2022-2023 Archery Team at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY this past May. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

From P.E. students to national competitors

Physical Education teachers Shay Huff of Hazel Grove Elementary School and Whitney Morris of Fairview Elementary School have taken archery from being a class in P.E. to assembling a team that can compete on a national level.

As part of their curriculum, grades 3-5 learn about archery in their physical education classes. However, third graders cannot participate in the national tournament. The tournament is only open to grades 4-12.

“I love archery because it is a sport anybody can participate in if they work hard. I’ve seen a high school senior shoot beside an elementary student in a wheelchair. Archery can also become an activity that families do together,” says Huff.

With both schools having competitive teams, the sports’ popularity has grown over the years.

“Archery is growing bigger each year at Hazel Grove as the younger students see our 4th and 5th graders competing and want to be a part of the team.”

Fairview Elementary School Archery Team 2022-2023 at the national tournament in Louisville, KY this past May. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

“Fairview Elementary began their archery season in September 2022, with over 85 4th and 5th graders trying out,” says Coach Morris.

Both schools will be holding tryouts for this year’s team in mid to late September.

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