“Success comes when we desire what God provides…”
I heard those words from a distant radio as I folded the last load of laundry. It’s funny how the world sees it so differently. We put people on a pedestal because of money. If someone has a nice car or a big house, we instantly believe they are of greater value than someone who doesn’t drive as nice a car or have as big of a house. We choose friends based on status. We reject those who do not dress as fashionable.We tend to be fascinated by people of wealth, as if they have something really special. Labels, labels, labels – the world tells us it is all in the labels.
I walked the short distance from my dining room table to the mounted radio by the kitchen sink and turned up the volume.
“Society tries to convince us that success and security are found in having what we want…what we think will make us happy…”
The enemy of our soul is quite shrewd. His very nature is cunning and manipulative. He is also extremely patient. He understands greed. He knows exactly what to dangle in our faces to distract us; to lead us down a different path; to keep us busy; to keep our eyes from looking up.
The greatest joy is a total dependence on God. Sometimes we are removed from our comfort zones in order to know the depth of love He has for us.
It’s hard to let go of something loved. When I moved to Habersham County 20+ years ago, I found my dream home. I was going to raise my family and live in it for the rest of my life. My entire world existed on that property; but, God had a different plan for me. He needed me to move in order to get on with my life. He needed me to go elsewhere in order that His will for my life would be achieved. I remember the day I drove out of my drive way for the last time. His Words echoed in my mind. If God gives to us, He also has the right to take from us – especially if in the end, it makes us better people.
You may be struggling with the same issues. Should I stay or should I go? Sometimes God needs to lead us in a different direction so that He can have our full attention. What I have found in following God for 51 years is, any time I let go of what I’m holding and put my faith and trust in Him, He always replaces it with something so much better.