Today is unique and only occurs every four years. It’s an extra day added to the month of February, taking it from 28 to 29 days. Today is a make-up day for a shortfall in the Earth’s orbit around the sun. We orbit the sun once every 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 47 seconds. Today catches us up.
Roman emperors were famous for naming months after themselves. I guess like everything there was some competing in the mix and extra days were added to the months ( July, August). Because February was short in days, it was the best choice to “add on an extra.”
So, if you’d like to be in the spirit of the day, here are some traditions you may not have known about this special day in February:
- OK women! If you are tired of waiting for your man to propose, today is your day. It dates back to 5th century Ireland. The story goes that St. Brigid negotiated the day with St. Patrick and women were given the right to propose on this day. It is said that women who wear a red petticoat receive the most answers of yes. (So bring out your best red petticoat, ladies!).
- If you are born on February 29th you are an exclusive member of The Honor Society of Leap Year Babies. Congratulations!
- There is a Birthday Festival in Anthony, Texas. People all over the world travel to this tiny town to celebrate. It is known as the Leap Year Capital of the World started by Mary Ann Brown and her neighbor Birdie Lewis – both born on Leap Years!
Happy Leap Year Day!