Hall County Schools update COVID-19 protocol

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following news release was issued March 3, 2020, by Hall County Schools. On March 4 the school system issued a correction.

School spokesperson Stan Lewis says, “Based on guidance from the CDC, students who have family members who have traveled to a country designated level 2 or higher—but have not themselves traveled to that country—may continue to attend school as long as they are not presenting symptoms.”

The complete and updated protocol reads as follows:

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, both globally and in the state of Georgia, the Hall County School District continues to update practices and protocols to ensure the safety of its students, team members, and the community.

The district is now requiring the following:

Parents or guardians of current students and registering new students who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days must call their respective schools for guidance regarding COVID-19. Parents should call prior to their child coming to school or attending any school activity–before during, or after school. This also includes students who have had family members or individuals living at home who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days.

Hall County School District team members who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days should contact their principal or direct supervisor prior to coming to work or to any school campus activity—before, during, or after school hours. This also includes school volunteers, community coaches, and all team members who have had family members or individuals living at home who have traveled outside of the United States in the past 14 days.

The Centers for Disease Control provides a daily updated list of countries designated as “high risk” by the federal government. This list can be found at the following link:


China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea are currently designated level three and are high risk. Japan is currently listed as level two.

Effective immediately, the Hall County School District will require students and staff members who have traveled to a country designated at level two or higher in the past 14 days, to stay at home and self-monitor for 14 days prior returning to work or to school.

Additionally, the following also applies to students and staff under these conditions who are at home self-monitoring:

  • Students/staff must be fever free for 14 days before returning to work/school.
  • If a student/staff member presents with symptoms during the self-monitoring period, the Department of Public Health must be notified immediately at 1-866-PUB-HLTH and the student should seek medical assistance.
  • Assignments will be provided to students by the school.
  • Student absences will be excused.

The district apologizes for any inconvenience to families and stakeholders because of these measures, but the safety of our students, our team members, and the Hall County community will remain our top priority.

Visit www.hallco.org for updated information.