Outdoor burning is again allowed in Georgia. The statewide summertime burn ban was lifted on Sunday, October 1.
Hall County, like other counties, requires burn permits. Hall County Fire Rescue offers two types: residential burn permits and land-clearing/commercial burn permits.
A residential burn permit is for clearing yards of leaves and limbs. To obtain a residential burn permit, visit www.hallcounty.org/196/Fire-Services and click on the link at the top of the page.
The land-clearing/commercial burn permit is regulated by the Environmental Protection Division (EPD). This type of outdoor burning includes tree removal for agricultural, residential, or commercial purposes.
When clearing land or conducting a commercial burn, debris must be burned in a pit that meets EPD guidelines. You must also have an air curtain destructor in place.
Burn pits must be inspected at least 24 hours ahead of when you plan to use them. To schedule an inspection, contact the Hall County Fire Marshal’s Office between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For questions or help scheduling an inspection, call the Fire Marshal’s Office at (770) 531-6838.