Hall County middle school student, Rabun County teen latest to be arrested for alleged school threats

Several youth are now being detained at the Regional Youth Detention Center in Gainesville after being charged in a series of unrelated school threat incidents across northern Georgia. (Source: Google Maps)

At least two more students from North Georgia are in custody, charged with making threats against local schools.

Verbal threat in class

The Hall County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has arrested a 13-year-old student after he made threats in front of his classmates at World Language Academy Middle School, the sheriff’s office says.

Sheriff’s office spokesperson B.J. Williams said the incident occurred around 10:30 a.m. Friday, September 6, when the student announced he “was going to be the next school shooter.”

“He claimed that he had a ‘mag’ in his backpack,” Williams says.

Administrators were immediately called to the classroom and the student and his property were searched. No weapons were found.

The HCSO school resource officer on duty placed the student in custody, charging him with felony terroristic threats and disruption of a public school. The student’s parents were notified, and he was transported to the Regional Youth Detention Center (RYDC) in Gainesville.

This is the fourth student arrested in Hall County in separate school threat incidents.

Online threats shared

The Rabun County Sheriff’s Office arrested a 15-year-old Friday, September 6, after online threats circulated on social media.

According to a sheriff’s office news release, officials were made aware of a “potential threat” against Rabun County High School that was being shared.

“This particular threat was sent as a screenshot from an anonymous user on a social media platform,” the release states.

After being notified of the potential threat, the sheriff’s office says it “immediately launched” an investigation.

On Friday, investigators were able to identify and locate a person of interest. They say after a thorough investigation, they arrested and charged the teen with terroristic threats and acts, disrupting the operation of public school and dissemination of information relating to terroristic acts.


Multiple school districts across Georgia have reported receiving threats/hoaxes

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