Hall County Fire Rescue extinguished a fire and stopped its spread just before 10 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3. The fire has left a family temporarily displaced, according to officials.
Fire crews responded to the blaze at 10:45 a.m. on the 3300 block of Bluffton Drive, where an RV was fully involved.
The flames had spread to the surrounding grass and reached the side of a nearby residence about 10 feet away, extending into the attic. Crews worked to extinguish the RV and located the flames that had spread into the home.
The flames damaged the entire attic, though firefighters were able to knock down and extinguish the fire.
The American Red Cross was notified for three adults, two children and four dogs that were displaced, according to officials. The RV is a total loss. The home saw extensive damage to the attic. The cause is unknown and the Hall County Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating at this time.