Habersham County voters will go to the polls on November 5 to decide whether to approve nearly $32 million in bonds for the construction of a new jail.
In a unanimous 5-0 decision Monday night, the Habersham County Commission voted to put the issue on the ballot.
Money raised by the bonds would be used to build a 314-bed jail. County commissioners say a new jail is urgently needed to ease overcrowding, make operations more efficient, and protect the safety of detainees and staff.
If approved by the voters, the jail bond referendum would authorize a property tax levy of 1.38 mils which equals approximately $71.76 per year on the average residence in Habersham County, according to County Manager Phil Sutton. “If the next SPLOST is authorized, use of sales tax proceeds from SPLOST could pay for a portion of the cost of this debt service,” he says.
The last day to register to vote in the November 5 election is October 7, 2019.
This article has been updated to include the cost of the bonds and comments from County Manager Phil Sutton