Habersham, Rabun lead strong voter turnout in Northeast Georgia

Voters make their way to the polls at the Habersham North Precinct in Clarkesville on the first day of early in-person voting in the county on Nov. 28, 2022. (nowhabersham.com)

Early in-person voting in the Georgia Senate runoff got off to a strong start Monday across Northeast Georgia, especially in Habersham and Rabun counties where turnout is running higher than in most counties across the state.

Habersham County elections officials report 2,042 people cast ballots on November 28, which is the first day polls were required to open statewide. Voters have returned 370 of the 920 absentee mail-in ballots the county issued and 10 of 17 overseas ballots.

All totaled, nearly 9% of Habersham’s 28,222 active registered voters have cast ballots ahead of the December 6 Senate runoff. That’s slightly ahead of the overall statewide turnout of 7.2% and Northeast Georgia’s regional turnout of 7% as of Tuesday afternoon.

Rabun County has recorded the highest voter turnout in Northeast Georgia so far with nearly 12% of the county’s 12,688 active registered voters casting ballots. In fact, Rabun is among the top five counties in the state for highest voter turnout to date, according to data released by the Georgia secretary of state’s office.

On Monday, state election director Gabriel Sterling tweeted a shout-out to Hall County for having the highest percent turnout that day among the counties with populations over 100,000.

MORE GA county-by-county voter turnout

Early voting continues through the end of this week. In Habersham County, all early voting is taking place at the Ruby Fulbright Aquatic Center in Clarkesville. Polls are open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. For precinct locations and times in other counties, contact your county registrar’s office.

The deadline for mail-in ballots to be returned is 7 p.m. on election day, Tuesday, December 6.

Anyone who was registered to vote in Georgia as of November 7, 2022, is eligible to vote in the runoff, regardless of whether they voted in the general election. To check your voter registration status, visit the My Voter Page on the secretary of state’s website.


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