Alexis Reddock and her children Brody and Lillie ham it up for the camera during the MOPS fall kick off. (Photo: MOPS)
Mothering young children is a season that is precious and wild! All moms remember the days of mismatched outfits, hilarious toddler antics, and sleepless nights with fondness and a “they grow up so fast” mentality; but what about the young mothers who are right in the thick of the day in and day out exhaustion? Habersham MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a ministry that welcomes all mothers with children birth to kindergarten.
Habersham MOPS is a gospel-centered ministry that exists to help moms know Jesus and grow in their walk with him. MOPS meetings take place two Fridays of every month during the school year from 9:30 to 11:30 at Level Grove Baptist Church in Cornelia. Meetings include breakfast, a craft, devotion/speaker, and table discussion time.
For a lot of moms it can be daunting to walk into a room of people they don’t know, but when a new mom comes in she is automatically surrounded by forty-plus other women who are in the exact same season of life. MOPS is also blessed to have mentor moms who have graduated from the little years and are happy to share their insights and love with the young mothers of the next generation.
Co-coordinator Leslie Terrell says, “Mops is where I met some of my closest friends. To have a support system of women who understand exactly what your life is like is invaluable.” Terrell has been attending MOPS since the birth of her oldest daughter Myla 4.5 years ago and has since added 3 little brothers to their family.
The theme for the 2015-2016 MOPS year is “A Fierce Flourishing” based on Isaiah 55:12:
“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”
The next MOPS meeting is November 20th. For more information visit Habersham MOPS on Facebook.