After a long shut-down in on-site library services due to the coronavirus, both Habersham libraries are beginning the process of reopening their on-site services as well as the buildings. This will be a progressive opening due to coronavirus concerns. Justin Haynes, manager of the Cornelia Library, shared his staff’s excitement about the reopening: “We at the Cornelia Library have been excitedly preparing for our reopen date. We strive to be a place where people in our community and beyond can come and receive all kinds of services that they are in need of. All of our patrons have been dearly missed and we look forward to being able to live out our purpose in this community once again. Thank you for understanding as we attempt to keep our staff and patrons safe during this unprecedented time.”
As of May 11th, the Clarkesville and Cornelia libraries began to accept book returns in the outdoor book return boxes. Beginning May 18th, library patrons will be able to pick up materials on-hold at both libraries through appointments only from 11:00-3:00 Monday through Friday. Holds can be placed at gapines.org. Since the state courier system is not currently operating, patrons will need to place holds on materials that are already available at each specific location.
Beginning June 1st, Habersham libraries will be open to the public on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only, and curbside pickup will also be available on Tuesday and Thursday. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the libraries will return to their normal operating hours on June 15th. Updates to this schedule can be found on the libraries’ Facebook pages.
Library patrons will notice some changes to library operations when they visit. All books to be returned are to be placed in the outdoor book return boxes. The indoor returns are closed for now. Patrons are also asked to stop at the restrooms and wash their hands before entering the libraries. Face coverings are welcomed. Inside the library, patrons are encouraged to use self-checkout procedures when possible. In-person programming has been discontinued at this time. The community rooms and study rooms are being utilized for library procedures during coronavirus and are also not available to the public. Finally, the computers that are available for use have been spaced out to provide for social distancing. Library staff requests that patrons use the provided disinfectant wipes to clean keyboards and computer mice after each use.
These changes are not permanent and have been designed to allow the library staff and patrons to return to the libraries safely. Clarkesville Library Manager Shawna Meers-Ernst says that both staff and patrons have been anxious to get back to the library. Meers-Ernst stated, “We are so grateful for the kind messages of support we have received throughout this time. While we have been thinking of our patrons, they have also been thinking of us and wishing us well. This is a wonderful community and we look forward to welcoming everyone back into our building.”
The work of the library managers and staff during this time cannot be overstated. Patrick Ledford, chairman of the Habersham County Library Board, stated: “I can say proudly that our Managers and their staff have worked diligently to move toward returning to normal operations while keeping safety and health a priority. We ask for patience and understanding from patrons as we implement the appropriate measures necessary in order for us to reopen safely. The Clarkesville and Cornelia libraries are an integral part of our community and we look forward to the branches being able to do what they do best, which is serve Habersham County.”