High school students from Georgia had a wonderful opportunity last summer to represent Electric Membership Cooperatives (EMCs) in a leadership call on the 2023 Washington Youth Tour in June 2023.
It was an all-expense-paid tour beginning in Atlanta. The weeklong experience included a visit to the Little White House in Warm Springs and finished with a trip to Washington D.C.
Annual Event
For many of the students who participated in National Youth Day and visited Washington’s numerous places of interest, it was an experience of a lifetime. High School students from Georgia joined more than 1,500 other delegates representing EMCs from 44 states.
This is an annual event. Each year, the Washington Youth Tour allows delegates to experience so much of our national treasures.
Students visit the Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR memorials and reflect on the words of leaders who helped make America great.
Students learn about freedom
Students talk about the realization that freedom isn’t free. After spending time at the World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War memorials, students also visit Arlington National Cemetery, where more than 300,000 people are buried, bringing much into perspective.
Remarkably, electric cooperatives across the U.S. have sent more than 50,000 student delegates on the Washing Youth Tour since 1964. Students receive skills in leadership to benefit their communities and their nation.

The 2024 Tour
The 2024 Washington Youth Tour (WYT) is gearing up. HEMC will send two rising high school seniors on an all-expense-paid trip. The 2024 WYT will be June 14-21.
If you are a high school junior interested in going this summer, or if you know of one who would like to go, applications are being taken now. To qualify, applicants must be a high school junior at least 16 years of age.
The primary residence of parents or guardians must be within the counties HEMC serves. The counties HEMC serves include Habersham, Hall, Lumpkin, Rabun, Stephens, and White.
Applications are available
To enter, students may download an entry form from the HEMC website:
www.habershamemc.com/community/washingtonyouthtour; visit your school
counselor’s office for a form; or pick up an entry form from the HEMC office in
Clarkesville or Cleveland.
Completed forms must be returned to HEMC by January 31, 2024.
Contact Information
The Media Contact is Nicole Dover. You can email her at [email protected] or call her at 706-754-2114.