The Habersham County Board of Education formally accepted the resignation of Habersham Central High School Principal Wes McGee Thursday during a called meeting. Now the search begins for his successor.
“The position will now be advertised. The search process will begin immediately,” says superintendent of schools Matthew Cooper. “Our goal is to have a recommendation on a new principal at a meeting sometime this summer.”
McGee is leaving HCHS to become principal of a new high school in Hall County.
Cooper says McGee’s departure did not come as a surprise; McGee informed him he applied for the Hall County job.
McGee was hired as HCHS principal in 2013 after former principal Jim Van Hooser retired from the public school system. Prior to that, McGee served 19 years in the Hall County School System. He spent eleven years teaching math and science at East Hall Middle School and another eight years as assistant principal at East Hall Middle.
Cooper credits the former Hall County teacher and school administrator with moving HCHS from “a good school to a great school.”
“Under Mr. McGee’s leadership we have seen a record graduation rate, improved test scores, and a record CCRPI score,” says Cooper. “Mr. McGee was also instrumental in making Habersham Central an AP Capstone High School, which places our high school among an elite group of schools in the state. During Mr. McGee’s tenure we have also seen advancements in our athletic program and Move on When Ready options. Wes McGee helped initiate several improvements to the school safety program at the high school and led a successful effort to improve both student attendance and student behavior.”
Calling McGee an effective leader, Cooper says “he certainly will be missed.” He adds, “I appreciate the service Mr. McGee has provided to our high school over the last four years and I wish him the very best in his new endeavor.”
PHOTO: Principal Wes McGee talks with an Atlanta TV crew during a pep rally at Habersham Central High School after the Raiders were named High 5 Team of the Week by Fox 5 in November 2014.