Habersham County completes presidential race recount

Habersham County election officials conduct a machine recount of the county's Nov. 3 presidential race. Here they are shown on the first day of the recount on Nov. 24, 2020. (Hadley Cottingham/Now Habersham)

The Habersham County Board of Elections has completed its state-mandated machine recount of the November 3 presidential race. The statewide recount began on Nov. 24 after the Trump campaign requested it.

This marks the second time Georgia’s votes have been recounted. The first time, election workers recounted the ballots by hand as part of a statewide risk-limiting audit.

Election records show there was one vote difference between Habersham’s certified vote total and the official recount: Biden lost one vote and write-in candidate Howie Hawkins picked up one absentee vote. The recounted totals for Habersham County are as follows:

Donald Trump 16,637
Joe Biden 3,562 (-1)
Jo Jorgensen 232

Write-In Candidates
Gloria La Riva 2
Howie Hawkins 3
Brian Caroll 7

The Habersham County Elections Board will re-certify the results of the recount at 4 p.m. Monday, November 30 at the Habersham County Administration Building.

Habersham set a record 72.59% voter turnout during the general election. While Trump won the county by an overwhelming 81%, he lost statewide. The results of this latest recount are not expected to change that outcome.

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