This morning, Habersham County Commissioners begin hammering out just how much tax money they’ll need to run the government during fiscal year 2016.
The budget process begins in meetings with department heads Wednesday and Thursday to go over projected costs and revenues for each. The overall spending plan must be completed before the next budget year begins on July 1.
Today they’ll start by getting their own fiscal house in order, discussing the budgets for the County Manager, County Clerk and the Commission. Public Safety is also on the agenda today as the Habersham County Sheriff’s Department, District Attorney and Public Defender’s office present their financial requests for the coming year.
In 2015, Habersham County’s budget topped $20.6 million with $8 million allotted for “Public Safety,” $3.2 million for the courts and 5.8 million for “General Government.”
Habersham County Commission Budget Meetings –
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
8:30 AM County Commissioners, County Manager, Countywide, Finance, Board of Equalization, County Clerk, Senior Center, Extension Services, Planning Commission, & Independent Agencies
9:00 AM Public Defender
9:30 AM District Attorney
10:00 AM Sheriff – Operation & Patrol
10:30 AM Sheriff – Jail
11:00 AM Accountability Court
11:30 AM Tax Commissioner
12:00 PM Airport Authority
Thursday, March 26, 2015
8:30 AM Superior Court & Law Library
9:00 AM State Court
9:30 AM Probate Court
10:00 AM Clerk of Superior Court
10:30 AM Solicitor
11:00 AM Coroner
11:30 AM Magistrate Court
12:00 PM Industrial Authority
All budget review meetings will be held at the Administration Building, 555 Monroe Street (old Courthouse) in the Board of Commissioners conference room (old deed room).