A post circulating on social media platform Snapchat appears to depict a threat against Habersham Central High School, but law enforcement has determined the threat to be unsubstantiated.
A screenshot sent to Now Habersham shows someone calling himself “Alex Anderson” made a snap on SnapChat threatening to harm 10 to 15 students and five administrators at “Central High School.”
The Habersham County Sheriff’s Office determined the post had been circulating on social media for some time and may have been in reference to a school in another state.
“This message actually originated out of Missouri and the person(s) responsible have been arrested there,” says Habersham County Sheriffs Office Lt. Matthew Wurtz. “This message has also been circulated in Georgia and it has been found to be unsubstantiated.”
One concerned family member who contacted Now Habersham about the purported threat said her brother was planning to skip school Monday “because he’s scared.”
Similar reports surrounding this same SnapChat have surfaced across the country including Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania, among others.
While the sheriff’s office does not believe there is any threat to HCHS students or staff, Wurtz says law enforcement plans to have “extra visibility at our schools during the week just as a precaution.”