The Habersham County Commission will hold its final public hearing on the proposed FY 2025 budget next week. Commissioners are expected to adopt the budget during the meeting.
Although the new fiscal year started July 1, Habersham is operating on last year’s budget due to a stalemate over the new budget in June.
Once the budget is formally adopted, the commission will set the millage rate, determining the tax property owners will owe.
Commissioners are expected to adopt a full rollback of the millage rate.
The public hearing and meeting are set for 6 p.m. on Monday, July 22, in the jury assembly room at the Habersham County Courthouse on Llewelyn Street.
Copies of the proposed budget are available in the Finance Department at the Habersham County Administrative Building in Clarkesville. The budget may also be viewed on the county website.
- Proposed Habersham County budget includes millage rate rollback
- HABCO Commission adjourns abruptly without adopting budget
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