HabCo Comm. opts in to HB 581, tables fire department consolidation study

Habersham County Commissioners listens to the fire consolidation presentation during the Monday, Jan. 27, commission meeting. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

The Habersham County Commission met Monday, Jan. 27, to consider approving two items that could impact the community for the future. The commission approved opting in HB 581 and tabled the fire department consolidation study until February.

The commission was presented a resolution to approve opting in the Property Tax Relief and Reform Act, also known as HB 581.

Interim County Manager Tim Sims explained to the commission that voters approved a new constitutional amendment that included a property assessment cap. He gave the example that if a homestead exempt property’s assessment went from $100,000 to $125,000 in a year, that the new cap would reduce the assessed amount to the rate of inflation. If the county opted in, and the rate of inflation was 3%, then that property would only be assessed at $103,000 and not $125,000.

Sims told the commission that the county has a homestead freeze that is more advantageous to the property owner than the new law. “It’s really a mute point for us,” he told the commission.


He told the commission that the resolution would demonstrate to the cities that the county would stand in solidarity with them to opt in to the new law. Sims added that by opting in, in the future there could be a FLOST, if approved by the voters. That tax can only be used to rollback the millage rate.

Sims explained that many of the cities expressed that they were opting in at a meeting held last week. However, a couple were not yet sure but the county’s resolution demonstrates their commitment to those cities that do opt in.

He explained that staff had done some preliminary calculations and the FLOST would rollback the millage rate approximately 4.4 mills.


Interim County Manager Tim Sims explains the HB 581 resolution to the Habersham County Commissioners during Monday’s commission meeting. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

Sims told the commission the reasoning behind the resolution. “We just wanted to show that we were in solidarity with everybody and that we were going to stay opt in to the program as voted on by the voters,” he said.

Commissioner Kelly Woodall made the motion. “Mr. Chairman, I would like to make the motion that we approve the resolution of intent regarding HB 581 as the voters have spoken in favor of this.” he said. “It does not change our situation as a county. We have homestead freeze and homestead exemption that exceeds this and I make the motion that we sign on as our resolution of intent.”

Commissioner Dustin Mealor second the motion. The commission approved the resolution of intent to opt in to HB 581 unanimously.

Fire consolidation study

Prior to the discussion of the fire consolidation study, Tench requested that the item be tabled. However, Commissioner Ty Akins requested to hear the presentation and at least discuss the matter. Tench proceeded with the presentation.

The commission heard from Habersham County Emergency Services Director Jeff Adams, who gave a brief explanation of what the fire consolidation study would do for the county and the participating cities.

According to Adams, Southeastern Fire Consulting Company, LLC would visit each department and evaluate each fire department’s equipment, personnel, and response. He explained that it is similar to an informal ISO audit.

Adams said that once the evaluations were completed, the consulting firm would come back to the county and the cities that participated in the consolidation study with recommendations.

He explained that the cost for the study would be $55,000. He added, “There is no commitment for any of the cities to consolidate” once the study is completed. “It’s a way of measuring the emergency services response in terms of fire coverage in the county involving all of the cities as well,” Adams explained.

New Commissioner Kelly Woodall asked if the cost would be shared by the cities? Adams responded that in December that the county would “foot the bill.”

After the presentation, Tench requested a motion to table the matter until the commission received more information. “I’m not comfortable with $55,000, it scares me,” he said. The commission unanimously approved tabling the fire consolidation study.

Sims told the commission that the topic would be revisited during the commission retreat in February.