Georgia’s General Beauregard Lee (left) and Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil are predicting six more weeks of winter.
The groundhogs were greeted by adoring fans and curious onlookers this morning as they emerged from their homes in Jackson, Georgia, and Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania. Both groundhogs saw their shadows. According to tradition, that means there will be six more weeks of winter-like weather.
This year marks the 132nd anniversary of Groundhog Day. In that time, Punxsutawney Phil has now predicted more winter 103 times and early spring just 18 times. No records exist for the remaining years.
After making their predictions, Lee and Phil posed for photos then went back to bed.
This was General Lee’s first Groundhog Day at his new home at Dauset Trails Nature Center in Jackson, Georgia. He was moved to the center in Butts County after the game ranch where he lived in Lilburn closed.