
Today I reached my goal – 10,000 steps. I wear one of those wrist band, Fitbit bracelets. Mine is a Jawbone, as they are called. When I shoved the tip of my Jawbone into the end of my cell phone, quickly tapping the app “UP,” I thought fireworks should sound. Possibly my neighbor would run over with some congratulatory words. Surely, Facebook would know. Actually the only reaction was my dog yelping because in my jubilant cheer, I scared her.

I called my friend who always out performs me humbly. Her overwhelming glee made me think I had possibly surpassed her efforts – just this once – maybe?

“And how many did you take,” I asked, feeling a bit smug and outstanding.

“Oh, goodness. Today was just one of those good days. Let’s just focus on you and your victory,” she responded as if to avoid the inevitable.

“You stepped more? Than me? Again? Really?”

At times it seems impossible that a band around my wrist can track my steps and a band around my friend’s wrist can track her steps and at the same time track a million other people with wrist bands, all at the same time. Think of the enormity of it all and yet, these little gadgets were invented by mere humans. How much easier it is to believe the Creator of the universe could track the steps of His children.

Psalm 121:8, “the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Hours pass in my day unaware that I am being tracked…not by my Fitness Tracker…but by God. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, He knows my every step…my every move. And He does it because He loves us with a love we cannot possibly understand. What great comfort to know He watches over us. We are always in His presence.

As marvelous as I think my Fitbit is, I’m much more content knowing I wear a Godbit that doesn’t have to be charged, can’t be lost or broken, and doesn’t need an app for me to know it’s there.