Tennis star Chris Eubanks is back home on an Atlanta tennis court after reaching the quarterfinals at Wimbledon.
Eubanks will compete in the Atlanta Open tournament at Atlantic Station for his hometown audience this weekend. The tournament features men’s top world tennis players in singles and doubles competition.
He said he has high expectations for his performance.
“I think, maybe expecting a little bit more of myself when I know what my capabilities are and what I can do. So I think it just kind of changes my outlook,” he said during a press event Friday ahead of the weekend tournament.
The former Georgia Tech Tennis player said he is adjusting to his newfound fame.
“Going to some of my favorite restaurants and places I always go, people have come up and made it a point to say congratulations. ‘It was fun watching your run at Wimbledon.’ And I’m just like, ‘Man, you guys … really Atlanta, really.’ You know, they really paid attention. They really enjoyed following it,” he said.
Eubanks said he is “eternally grateful for his community’s support.”
The Atlanta Open, which features top players from seven countries, kicks off Saturday and runs until July 30.
This article comes to Now Habersham in partnership with GPB News