Georgia Regional Commissions see drop in september unemployment rates

More good news on the employment front in Georgia. All 12 of the state’s regional commissions recorded a drop in unemployment in September.

Across the state, initial claims were down 19% from August to 21,570 in September.

“We continue to see a steady rise in job creation and demand by employers to fill open positions,” says Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler. “This strong growth has led to Georgia having the fewest unemployed residents in over 20 years.”

(Source: Georgia Association of Regional Commissions)

September’s statewide unemployment rate remained an all-time low of 2.8% for the third consecutive month. Georgia’s unemployment rate was seven-tenths of a percent lower than the national September 2022 unemployment rate of 3.5%.

In the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, the September preliminary unemployment rate was down five-tenths to 2.2% over the month. The rate was 2.4% one year ago.

In the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission, the September preliminary unemployment rate was down five-tenths to 2.3% over the month. The rate was 2.9% one year ago.