Georgia Power-Fieldale partner on solar farm in Baldwin

Representatives from Georgia Power and Fieldale Farms Corporation "broke ground" Wednesday afternoon for a solar farm project in Baldwin. (Jerry Neace/

Executives of Georgia Power and Fieldale Farms Corporation held a groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday afternoon for a new solar farm in Baldwin.

The location of the solar farm will be on the corner of Duncan Bridge Road and Gainesville Highway,

According to Fieldale Farms Marketing Manager Terri Limback, “As part of Fieldale’s ongoing sustainability efforts, this 6-acre solar farm will produce carbon-free, renewable energy to be used by the Fieldale Corporate Complex and will offset approximately 1,780,000 pounds of CO2e every year.”

Georgia Power Region Director Tony Ferguson explained during the ceremony that the solar farm will be a 1.5 megawatt array. It will produce approximately 184,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per month.

Fieldale Farms Corporation President Tom Hensley spoke during the ceremony and thanked Georgia Power for partnering with them on the solar project. “We’ve looked at solar for 15 or 20 years.” He explained to those in attendance that this project is part of the corporation’s sustainability plan. Hensley adds, “This is an example of what we can do for the future.”

According to the Energy Information Administration, an average home uses approximately 900 kilowatt hours of electricity per month. The solar array could provide enough electricity to power approximately 204 American homes each month.

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