State Representative Dan Gasaway (R-Homer) wants the state’s top attorney to investigate the Habersham County School System’s handling of construction bids at two local elementary schools.
Rep. Gasaway announced the move Monday morning in a news release.
“I have asked the Attorney General of Georgia to assist me in opening an investigation into the Habersham County Board of Education. The primary focus currently is to investigate how much improper influence employees of Carroll Daniel Construction had in procuring construction work at Woodville Elementary School and Hazel Grove Elementary School in Habersham County.”
Gasaway says he wants the AG to investigate whether the “construction bid or construction bid conditions” were manipulated to benefit Caroll Daniel Construction. Also, “Was the construction work advertised properly so that all area contractors could compete in a fair manner?”
READ Rep. Gasaway’s full news release here
Alleged conflicts of interest
The Director of Business Development for Carroll Daniel Construction is former Banks County School Superintendent Chris Erwin. Erwin is running against Gasaway for the District 28 House seat which includes portions of Banks, Habersham, and Stephens counties.
In announcing his call for an investigation, Gasaway points to the relationship between Erwin and Habersham County School Superintendent Matthew Cooper as a possible conflict of interest. Cooper was employed by the Banks County School System when Erwin was superintendent.
“It is common knowledge Erwin played a very influential role in Cooper obtaining the position of superintendent in Habersham County,” Rep. Gasaway claims. “The blatant ethical violations in this matter should be clear to all involved.”
Erwin also serves on the State Professional Standards Commission Board, a position he was appointed to by Gov. Nathan Deal. The board sets and applies guidelines for the preparation, certification, and continued licensing of public educators, according to georgia.gov. Gasaway says that position gives Erwin undue influence in securing school construction projects.
Cooper responds
Caroll Daniel Construction is based in Gainesville, Georgia. Gasaway says another major school construction firm in the area, Bowen and Watson of Toccoa, told him they never saw the Habersham work advertised.
READ Cooper’s full response here
Contacted early Monday for comment, Supt. Cooper says he was unaware Rep. Gasaway had called for an investigation. “Rep. Gasaway has not reached out to me with any concerns. We’re going to look into whatever concerns Rep. Gasaway has and then issue an appropriate response.”
Erwin issued his response Monday evening. “I am proud of my record of integrity in my career as a public school educator and in the private sector,” he tells Now Habersham. “The reckless allegations from Representative Gasaway have no merit or basis in fact. They represent a desperate politician frantically trying to hold on to elective office.”
Gasaway is aware his call for an investigation may be viewed as politically motivated. He tells Now Habersham, “Let the investigation answer that.”