A mother and her two young children who died in a car wreck earlier this week in Habersham County will be laid to rest this weekend.
A funeral service for Avonlea, Colton, and Madison Holtzclaw is scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday, July 22, at Free Chapel Worship Center in Gainesville. The family lived in Dahlonega. They are survived by their husband and father, Neil Holtzclaw, who is a deputy with the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. The funeral is expected to be heavily attended by area law enforcement officers.
Crash still under investigation
Two others died in the crash that killed the Holtzclaws on Sunday, July 16. According to the Georgia State Patrol, Mitchell Boggs, 58, of Marietta was driving. Family and friends have identified the other person in his car as Seyhan Kilincci of Roswell.
Boggs’ son disputes the claim that his father was behind the wheel at the time of the deadly crash. Friends of the family say DNA evidence proves it. They say the family is being harassed and has even received death threats. Those threats started after comments made by Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell that the Corvette Boggs was said to be driving was traveling ‘in excess of 150 mph” when the crash occurred.
Terrell later told Now Habersham the speed that he referenced was “just an estimate based on evidence from the wreck.” Georgia State Patrol (GSP) investigators have neither confirmed nor denied that estimate. The agency’s Specialized Collision Reconstruction (SCRT) Team is still investigating the crash.
“We are not at liberty to discuss or release any other aspect of the case at this time,” says Georgia State Patrol Post 7 Assistant Commander Sgt. Luke Mize.
The Habersham County Coroner’s Office also is not releasing any information, referring media inquiries instead to the state patrol.
GSP Public Information Officer Courtney Floyd says the investigation is expected to take at least another week. There may be an update by next Thursday, July 27.
Public response
In response to the wreck, the Georgia Department of Transportation has bumped up construction of an RCUT at the intersection on GA 365 at Mt. Zion Road where Holtzclaw was hit. State troopers say she was crossing the highway at the time of the collision.
Following the funeral service on Saturday, Holtzclaw and her children will be buried in Memorial Park Cemetery in Gainesville. Anyone wishing to send condolences to the family may do so at www.memorialparkfuneralhomes.com.
The Hall County Sheriff’s Office has set up a benevolence fund for Deputy Holtzclaw at the link below: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/5/1uwy4p6xij4n?fbclid=IwAR0lmu3vlMWsslKk5GeIuXLl3e4yQ995V_1Mjs9Dc10ADBisa6cfZpbyQL8
Obituary for Avonlea, Colton, and Madeline (Dixon) Holtzclaw