Free family portraits

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words; now, you can tell your story through family portraits for FREE! North Georgia Technical College in Clarkesville will hold its 4th annual Help-Portait event on Saturday, December 6th from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Visual Technology Center.

Help-Portrait is an international movement of professional photographers who offer free portrait events around the world, providing quality family portraits for those that might not be able to afford it.

NGTC Marketing Specialist and photographer Colby Moore says, “We will photograph each person or family, provide them with a disk of the images and a printed 8×10 photo for FREE. No appointment necessary.

Photographers and community volunteers donate their skills and time through Help-Portrait to provide free portraits for those who otherwise can't afford them.
Photographers and community volunteers donate their skills and time through Help-Portrait to provide free portraits for those who otherwise can’t afford them.

NGTC Human Resources Technician Sharon Alicea says she has been touched throughout the years by the stories behind the portraits. “Each person that comes to be photographed has a story. We’ve been touched in so many ways. From the single mom and her children that lost everything in a fire, to people that have been estranged from their families, to abuse victims getting back on their feet – we’ve laughed and, in some cases cried, with them when they sit for their picture and when they receive their finished portrait. People come in their Sunday best, or whatever clothes they have on their back. There’s no censure.”

Alicea adds, “My favorite story is from a family that had heard about what we do from their church bulletin board. They had been struggling, juggling jobs, kids and life in general. When I presented their family portrait to them the Mom told me that it was the first picture ever taken of all of them together. The last picture taken of her and her husband was taken 12 years ago when they got married, and that was a simple snapshot.”

Help-Portrait’s mission is to empower photographers, hairstylists and makeup artists to use their skills, tools and expertise to give back to their local community. Help-Portrait needs volunteers for this event to serve as greeters, runners, guides, photographers, help in the print lab and more. Volunteers may work the whole day or just an hour.

North Georgia Tech Marketing Specialist Colby Moore has hosted this event each year and states that “we couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers and donations from the community. I couldn’t imagine not doing this every year.”

The NGTC Visual Technology Center is located on the Clarkesville campus at 1500 Highway 197 North.

For more information or to sign up e-mail or