Baldwin Police Chief Charlie Webb, Capt. Israel Segers, Lt. Shuk Hamdan, and Officer Ryan Thomas receive the new vests during a presentation Feb. 13 in Baldwin.
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) recently donated seven ballistic vests to the Baldwin Police Department. The custom-fitted vests replace body armor that recently expired.
“We are very grateful for the donation and what the FOP stands for.”
The donation is valued at around $4,000, saving taxpayers money on something that could one day save a life.
“I would really like to thank North Georgia Mountain FOP President Michael Palmer and the FOP for all they do for Law Enforcement day in and day out,” says Baldwin Police Chief Charlie Webb. “Their help with acquiring these vests for the department ensures our officer’s safety and relieves a large burden from myself and the City of Baldwin. We are very grateful for the donation and what the FOP stands for.”