Four Banks County jail inmates graduate with GEDs

Pictured, from left, are Dalton Reid, Michael DeWaters, Felipe Perez, and Thomas Gannon. (photo provided by Banks County Sheriff's Office)

Four Banks County inmates are preparing for their futures after earning their high school equivalency diplomas while behind bars. Inmates Dalton Reid, Michael DeWaters, Felipe Perez, and Thomas Gannon received their GEDs in a graduation ceremony on August 3.

The class is offered to inmates through a partnership between the Banks County Sheriff’s Office and the Banks County Adult Learning Center of Lanier Technical College.

Sheriff Carlton Speed says he’s proud of the program’s first four graduates.

“I would like to commend all four of the individuals who accomplished this milestone in their lives. I hope this opens doors for them and affords them greater opportunities in their lives, all the while knowing they can accomplish anything they set out to achieve,” he says.

Sharon Clark, lead instructor at the Adult Learning Center, is equally enthusiastic about the program and its future. She thanked the sheriff and his staff for their cooperation and encouragement.

“They have gone the extra mile to support and encourage the inmates to achieve this important milestone,” says Clark. “I’d also want to thank the Banks County Literacy Council, our non-profit partners, who work continually to promote community awareness and to support our students. We are looking forward to awarding more GEDs in 2024!”

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