Asst. Superintendent: Habersham’s first day of school ‘best in 13 years’

Bliss Passmore is a 3rd grade teacher at Clarkesville Elementary. She always sends a picture to her parents of her first day of school since she was little. (photo Kim Taylor Smith)

The first day of school is always memorable – good or bad. Pictures are taken. Pencils are sharpened. New outfits are worn.

In Habersham County, the first day of school turned out to be a good one.

Clarkesville Elementary

Principal Georgia Pitts of Clarkesville Elementary said the new facility made the day extra special. Clarkesville Elementary has been under construction for quite some time. “There was no crying today – at least not from students – maybe a few parents, ” Pitts said. “Having the new bus parking, the extra parking for parents, and the beautiful, bright new addition gave a special touch to today.”

She also talked about the free lunch for everyone program. “It was nice for the parents not to have to fill out forms and worry whether or not they will qualify or not,” Pitts said. “Some of the fifth-grade boys who brought their lunch decided to eat lunch from the cafeteria as well. They were excited because they like the cafeteria food better.”

On Monday at Clarkesville Elementary, there will be extra staff in the hallways to help students find their classrooms if they need it.

Wilbanks Middle School

Principal Chris Chitwood at Wilbanks Middle School described the Mock Bus Drill held today at school. “It is important that students who ride the bus home feel confident about which bus to get on. We do the Mock Bus Drill during the day to answer any confusion before the end of the day. We want all children to get on the right bus home.”

Hazel Grove Elementary School

Dr. Tim Goss at Hazel Grove Elementary School said the day was a great one. Everything went smoothly.

Firefighters were available this morning to welcome the students and help them feel comfortable about the first day.

Overall great day

“We had a great first day of school. Mr. Cooper and I decided it was the best in 13 years. I want to remind everyone to slow down when you are in school zone areas and around buses to keep our students, teachers, staff, and Resource Officers safe,” Assistant Superintendent Patrick Franklin said of the first school day.



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