Thanksgiving .. a time of gratitude and giving, a time for family and friends and fun. But for some, Thanksgiving is also a time of hardship and heartbreak. It can be a time when the struggles of survival – the fight to make it through each day, much less make ends meet – seem to weigh even more heavily.
Homelessness, hunger, addiction, abuse, unemployment – all the tragedies of daily life are highlighted during the holiday season, and for many, the thought of this day, of all days, alone and hurting, can tip the scales of determination and make this “day of thanksgiving” an unwelcome and unpleasant gauntlet to run. It is here that organizations like the First Baptist Church of Cornelia, offer the hand of fellowship, the comfort and sustenance of a warm meal, and the simple hope and encouragement of knowing that someone … anyone… cares.
The First Baptist Church of Cornelia, located at 325 Oak Street in Cornelia, will be hosting a community-wide Thanksgiving meal tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 26) from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the church gymnasium.
There is no charge for this traditional Thanksgiving meal, and all are invited, according to church spokesperson Sheila Thomason. “This event is sponsored by The Lord’s Help Soup Kitchen in cooperation with area churches,” Thomason said, adding that anyone who wishes to volunteer to help with the event is welcome to come by the church at any time between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 26.