How often do we sing or hear the hymn “Joy to the World” during Christmas? This iconic song, often sung by a choir, carries a profound message of joyful celebration. It challenges us to produce heartfelt gladness for the gift God presented us long ago, making it a perfect anthem for the Christmas season.
When we celebrate with songs of Christ’s birth, they are often drowned by the noisy excitement around us. The allure of Santa, the focus on toys and gifts, the rush of parties and visitors, and the various frantic activities can easily overshadow the blessing God delivered to us on a quiet night in Bethlehem.
As I was hustling and bustling to prepare for my annual gathering of neighborhood ladies to celebrate Christmas, the house fully festive, and the tree ablaze with lights, I was caught up in the season’s whirlwind. Just as I was beginning to ice the Blackberry Jam cake, I heard a choir singing ‘Joy to the World’ on the television. The familiar tune, usually a background melody to my Christmas preparations, filled the room with a different energy, a more profound sense of contentment and celebration.
With the icing spreader in my hands, I turned to view the choir and was captivated, not by the music, but this time, by the words. It was as if they were addressed to me so differently that I understood their meaning on a deeper level than ever before.
Issac Watts, an English scholar, minister, and hymnist, wrote this beloved song in 1719. It became the most published hymn of the 20th century. “Joy to the World” is based on the later part of Psalm 98 and was intended to herald Christ’s return to earth; it was not originally meant to become a Christmas Carol.
But no matter whether it was written to celebrate Christ’s return one day or the first day he arrived 2024 years ago, His presence is the true meaning of joy. The hymn encapsulates the essence of Christmas, reminding us that the birth of Jesus is the ultimate source of joy.
Christmas must sink deep into our spirit. God’s power is far greater than any produced by humans. No leader can out-lead the Lord, and no villain can hide from His eyes. The bliss of knowing that we are never alone, never forgotten, and always loved should just make our hearts burst with happiness.
We can all become consumed with politics, sports, personal projects, and work and not realize that the Lord stands beside us. He continually prompts us to see Him in all things.
When we err and fail to acknowledge His presence, His forgiveness is a source of immense peace. The fact that He can forgive us if we are humble enough to ask should fill our hearts with gratitude and humility. Isn’t that enough to make you leap with joy?
Understanding that death isn’t final and believing that there is a world without end should make us jump up and down and eat cookies all day long in celebration. Forget the new Uggs, the ticket to the Super Bowl, or the next great gadget because the best gift is one we already received—and it didn’t cost a dime!
We don’t know what the world is coming to, do we? Yet, we should know what world we are aiming for. We know this because we believe in the miracle of Christmas and live by faith. How do we show our appreciation for the gift God presented to us?
I know I am not thankful enough for the joy of knowing Jesus. I know I need to trust Him more, be more forgiving and giving, and be less idiotic and selfish. As I write this, I feel Him shaking His head in agreement.
So, the only way we can be joyous enough for His birth is to understand that He rules the world with truth and grace. He is the one who makes all nations prove the glories of his righteousness and the wonders of his love.
God sent his son to save the world, teach us right from wrong, and help us understand that the nature of joyful living is only through a redeeming God. God rules, and we don’t. He is with us through our bad and good decisions, triumphs, failures, joys, and sorrows.
Because if we believe and present ourselves as thankful children of God, we only draw ourselves nearer to love, peace, and the ability to feel abundant joy.
“Joyful, joyful we adore Thee,
God of Glory, Lord of love.
And hearts unfold like flowers before Thee,
Opening to the sun above.”
Lynn Walker Gendusa is a Tennessee-raised, Georgia-residing author and columnist. Her latest book is “Southern Comfort: Stories of Family, Friendship, Fiery Trials, and Faith.” She can be reached at www.lynngendusa.com. For more of her inspirational stories, click here.