Final public hearing tonight on Habersham County property tax increase

The Habersham County Board of Commissioners will hold its final public hearing on a proposed property tax increase during a called meeting at the County Administration Building on Wednesday, August 14.

This will be the fourth public hearing on the proposed measure. County manager Phil Sutton says the state department of revenue required the extra hearing in order for the county to approve its tax digest for 2019.

Commissioners are considering raising the county millage rate by .221 mils from 11.468 to 11.689. Under the proposal, owners of a home with a fair market value of $150,000 would pay approximately $8.76 more in taxes. Owners of a non-homestead property with a fair market value of $150,000 will face a similar increase, according to the county.

Source: Habersham County website

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Commission Conference Room in the County Administration Building located next to the Ruby Fulbright Aquatic Center at 130 Jacob’s Way in Clarkesville.