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The grey cat at my window

A grey cat came into our lives 6 years ago, independent and alone. After all this time, she still refuses the affection we offer.  She tolerates...

A trip to Osage Farms …..

This week the pickings were slim at the Clarkesville market with many vendors busy with school and other weekend activities and in that between...

Faith Matters

Welcome Habersham! I hope you will join us daily to find inspiration, hope and a smile. From daily devotionals by Pastor Mike Franklin of...

…we simply shared a cup of coffee

Notes by Nora… A few summers ago, I spent several weeks in New York with my daughter while she trained with Joffrey Ballet Company. Our...

Arts & Entertainment

The hills of Habersham are alive with the talent and creativity of many artists.  Whether on canvass, on stage or on the page, artists...

Market Week of September 6….

This time of year finds the Farmer's Market winding down. School starts and live begins to make more demands on families. Does this mean...