The power of one: the story behind Wreaths Across America
It started with a 12-year-old boy who won a trip to our nation's capital selling newspaper subscriptions as a paperboy for the Bangor (Maine)...
Moana 2
Moana 2 continues the adventures of the Polynesian princess from 2016. I thought the first film was a breakthrough in gorgeous animation and wonderful...
Alpine Helen to transform into winter wonderland Nov. 29
Get ready for Alpine Helen's winter wonderland! The popular Northeast Georgia tourist town will transform into a holiday paradise from the day after Thanksgiving...
Red Bird Acres Christmas Light display opens Thanksgiving night
Chris and Christy Jones, owners of Red Bird Acres, have outdone themselves once again, and this year’s holiday display is sure to surpass all...
The recipe for giving
It’s that time of year again—the season of giving, volunteering at soup kitchens, adopting families, baking Christmas treats, visiting Santa, and so much more....
Thanksgiving standoff
A few years back, around Thanksgiving Day, I headed out to get some pictures in an area where I'd had good luck getting wildlife...
The lost turkey
In 1948, Grey, Georgia, was the last place my mom, Irene, wanted to be. At just 8 years old, she was uprooted from everything...
The homecoming
Every Thanksgiving, I pause to remember a little boy from Guatemala who stole my heart and the parents who never gave up on him.
Your guide to free community Thanksgiving meals in Northeast Georgia
Here is your guide to find the right Thanksgiving Dinner for you.
Please let us know if your church or community is having a Thanksgiving...
Hall County Animal Shelter waives adoption fees in December
Every animal deserves a home, especially during the holiday season. That is why the Hall County Animal Shelter will celebrate the holiday season by...
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School’s Lux Nativitas debuts
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School will debut its Christmas production Lux Nativitas, a celebration of the birth of Christ, on Saturday, December 14, and Tuesday, December...
Finding gratitude
My days are different now—nothing like I ever imagined or planned. Life has a way of charting its own course, never asking for our...