Director Roland Emmerich has made a career making films that center around a cataclysmic event that threatens to exterminate humanity unless a ragtag team...
The King’s Daughter
The King's Daughter is the sort of fantasy adventure that the Walden Media Company would've loved to have been a part of. There's a...
First, it was The Matrix Resurrections that made a stab at being meta. Now the Scream franchise is jumping on the bandwagon by doing...
The 355
The 355 refers to the codename of a female agent during the Revolutionary War. Granted, it does set up an inversion of the espionage...
Top 10 Best & Worst Films of 2021
Dune. West Side Story. Free Guy. Old. Space Jam: A New Legacy. Mortal Kombat. What do these six movies have in common? They made...
Nightmare Alley
Nightmare Alley marks director Guillermo Del Toro's newest film since winning the Oscar for The Shape of Water. Just like his previous efforts, it...
The King’s Man
"It's not fighting, it's dying."
"This plot is all by-the-numbers."
Dialogue like this aptly describes this prequel to the Kingsman franchise. When it first started in...
The Matrix Resurrections
"Nothing comforts anxiety like a little nostalgia." -Morpheus to Neo.
This quote pretty much sums up the majority of The Matrix Resurrections. Back in 2003,...
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Let's not beat around the bush. The MCU has had a checkered year in 2021 with Black Widow and Eternals being underachievers, but they're...
West Side Story
The first thing to say about this remake of West Side Story is that fans of the original are not going to be disappointed....
Don’t Look Up
Don't Look Up is a movie that is getting a limited release and then moving to Netflix on Christmas Eve. Writer/director Adam McKay has...
Encanto is Disney/Pixar's latest effort and like virtually every one of their films, it has the standard trappings: Dazzling animation, terrific voice over work...