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Mountaintop worship in October

Spiritual highs - those moments in life when you feel closest to God - are often referred to as "mountaintop experiences." You can experience them anywhere;...

Trust in the Name of the Lord

Psalm 20: "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. 2 May He send you...

Gratitude is the Heart’s Memory

I met an older woman recently who had not celebrated the holidays for eight years - no Thanksgiving, no Christmas - no turkey with...

Off the Blocks

I learned I was pregnant with my sixth child 10 years after my first. We were all excited and filled with anticipation. My daughter...

Go tend to your sheep, Brat!

1 Samuel 17:28, "When Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, "Why have...

An Invitation

I want to invite each of you to make today different from all the others:   Go to church Visit a church, if you do not have...

A Friend to God?

My culture is Southern. I grew up a Georgia peach, surrounded by magnolia blooms floating in sterling silver finger bowls, homemade ice cream and mint...

Peace in my pieces

Oh the past...the deeply rooted, intricate details, cumbersome trials that cause us to react, think, trust, or not trust what is in front of...

A little light can change everything

I spotted something shining in the Walmart parking lot. I'd parked as far away as possible (part of my getting healthy routine), and as...

Tag Team Parenting

  Cross-Country is my new, favorite sport. I find it tremendously exhilarating and fun, waiting with anticipation to see the first orange running shoes to...

The grey cat at my window

A grey cat came into our lives 6 years ago, independent and alone. After all this time, she still refuses the affection we offer.  She tolerates...

be still be free

A weekly podcast co-hosted by Habersham County native, Amber Watson Miller, Sara Goede and Monica Steely. Date: September 15, 2014 By: Be Still Be Free Description: Colonel...