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What’s in your fruit salad?

You know it and I know it. The wheel that squeaks the loudest always gets greased first. The complainer, the whiner, the pusher, the...

Like a Knight on a White Horse

I adore Jesus' personality. He had quite a sense of humor and of timing. He could deliver a line and tongue tie the wisest...

Then I prayed

I worked in international and domestic adoption and humanitarian aid for close to eleven years – a decade of emotions: joy, tears, fears, anxiety,...

Be a Noah!

Rainbows fascinate me. I don't know anyone who can ignore a rainbow in the sky. The mere existence of such invokes awe whether you...

May your God rescue you…

"May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you." -Daniel 6:16 Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, full count, score is tied, and of...

Happiness on Hold

The hold button...if I could only count the number of times I've been on hold...waiting, waiting, waiting...longing to hang up but knowing if I...

Faith holds true

Wendy was my black Tennessee Walker; a feisty mare, built for speed. Riding her felt like being on water skies  in the early morning,...

Pinholes to God

By Heather Burke Cody I pass by them every Thursday on the way to school. Sometimes I try not to look because the site of...

Subpoena of Sermons

My eyebrows raised a bit higher than normal as I read the article for a third time - subpoena of "all speeches, presentations, or...

Faith in Action

Mark 2:5, "When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'" Jesus was teaching in a house in...

Magnificent splendor

Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful." I recently encountered a precious four-year old in...

The Needs of the Many

Luke 15:3-7, "Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the...