It’s all about the ride!
Years ago, I drove to Ft. Lauderdale instead of flying. My granddaughter was graduating from elementary school. I try to miss nothing when it...
The reflection we see
I watched her raise her weighty hand-held mirror to style the back of her thick dark hair. She moved each curl until she reached...
Are we tired yet?
I don't know about you, but I am exhausted from many politicians' hammerings, hollering, hooting, and hogwash. Whether conservative, liberal, far right, far left,...
No telling what a lightsaber can do
Weston is our 4-year-old grandson who puts Curious George to shame. I am officially changing his name to "Why Weston." We can tell him...
It all begins with friendliness
Growing up in a small town in the South, most folks waved to each passing car. Walking down the sidewalk meant saying "Hello" every...
Someone other than me
I was diagnosed with clinical depression many years ago. My doctor treated me with therapy and counseling for over twenty years until one pill...
Our last Harvest Moon
She sat in a rocking chair on an outdoor balcony gazing at the twinkling stars splashed across the sky. A bright, large October Harvest...
Those summers of simple delight
After living through many summers, it is not the fabulous vacations I recall in detail but the days I spent at Grandpa's house. Grandpa,...
The present you cannot buy
Jaxon, our grandson, spent the night with us recently. This month he will turn the ripe old age of six and is about as...
He loved her more
Editor's Note: This has been a week of great loss and grieving in the Northeast Georgia community. Connected by geography but more so in...
The Escape Route
When I read the morning newspaper, there is usually a story regarding the death of a child caused by youth gun violence. Some victims...
These old hands
I was in design school with only an hour for lunch. Veronica and I shared classes, and we were starving. We ran down the...